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Our company is called 'Right Tech' for a reason. There is no silver bullet in Software, no 'one tech stack fits all'.

Every project is unique, and every project needs a technology stack specifically suited to the project requirements. Of course, software solutions are quite flexible, and it is possible to put together a workable solution using the wrong tech. Users may not be able to see the difference. However, for YOU, this will lead to rapidly increasing development and maintenance costs.

The RightTech team consist of high-level software engineers. People that have an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles of these magical machines we call 'computers'. So we start with the client's requirements and then put together specific technologies that suit best, making the solution cost-efficient and future-proofed.

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There are many ways to achieve the desired result in Software Development. Some of them are cheap, some are expensive; some are quick, and some take time.
You might ask "If the result is the same, who cares about how it was achieved?"
Instead ask yourself "Would I build my home on a wobbly foundation?"
Absolutely identically looking Apps can be completely different "under the hood". Here is the REAL question: "How do I find the best way at the very beginning?"
Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

There are many ways to achieve the desired result in Software Development.

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Some of them are cheap, some are expensive; some are quick, and some take time.

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Some of them are cheap, some are expensive; some are quick, and some take time.

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Absolutely identically looking Apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Here is the REAL question: "How do I find the best way at the very beginning?"

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

There are only two things that can help to avoid the most common mistakes: knowledge and experience. Working with only experienced engineers, RTS can guarantee you the wisdom of several decades of combined work experience!

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

There are many ways to achieve the desired result in Software Development.

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Some of them are cheap,
some are expensive;
some are quick,
and some take time.

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

You might ask "If the result is the same, who cares about how it was achieved?"

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Instead ask yourself "Would I build my home on a wobbly foundation?"

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Absolutely identically looking Apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

Here is the REAL question: "How do I find the best way at the very beginning?"

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Software is one of the closest things to the magic that ever existed. Absolutely identically looking apps can be completely different "under the hood".

There are only two things that can help to avoid the most common mistakes: knowledge and experience. Working with only experienced engineers, RTS can guarantee you the wisdom of several decades of combined work experience!

There are many ways to achieve the desired result in Software Development. Some of them are cheap,
some are expensive;
some are quick,
and some take time.

You might ask "If the result is the same, who cares about how it was achieved?" Instead ask yourself "Would I build my home on a wobbly foundation?"

Absolutely identically looking Apps can be completely different "under the hood". Here is the REAL question: "How do I find the best way at the very beginning?"

There are only two things that can help to avoid the most common mistakes: knowledge and experience. Working with only experienced engineers, RTS can guarantee you the wisdom of several decades of combined work experience!

Our Team

There are only two things that can help to avoid the most common mistakes: knowledge and experience. Working with only experienced engineers, RTS can guarantee you the wisdom of several decades of combined work experience!



Damien saw a computer for the first time when he was 11. He was absolutely fascinated by it! Several decades later he is still fascinated by these magical machines. He started working as a developer in 1996, and has held many different lead/executive IT positions such as CIO, CTO, Head of Development, and VP of QA. So he knows the area from top to bottom. His areas of expertise include, but are not limited to working out efficient architectures, building efficient workflows, and creating fine-working teams.

Things he enjoys the most: building something from nothing, solving tricky problems, and finding simple solutions for complex issues.



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Lead Software Engineer

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Software Engineer

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Quality Assurance Engineer

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Art Director

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Lead Software Tester

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Software engineer

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Senior Software Engineer

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Lead QA Engineer

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Front-end developer

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Full-stack developer

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Mobile developer

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Back-end and mobile developer

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Clear communication and providing effective results are the main basis of our client approach


Years of Combined Experience

Out-of-the-box Thinking

Cost-efficient Solutions

Custom-tailored Tech Stack

Let’s work together

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